Excerpts from the ICEJ Webinar Series presented by David Parsons, ICEJ Senior Vice President & Spokesman

Post-October 7th, many want to know why Christians are still supporting Israel amid all the vile accusations and antisemitism against the Jewish state and people. Many are searching the web about “Christian Zionism.” In this webinar, we discuss Israel’s enduring biblical significance, and in particular the calling of Israel starting with Abraham. The core question is: What does this divine calling mean, and what is its relevance today? The Bible speaks often about God’s calling upon Abraham and his descendants, particularly through Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes of Israel. This discussion aims to establish the theological basis for Christian support for Israel, grounded in the Bible rather than political or cultural reasons.

The concept of whether God called Israel into a special relationship or discarded them after their failures is central to this exploration. The key issue lies in understanding God’s nature—whether He remains faithful to Israel, even today, or whether Israel was abandoned after the birth of the Church and Christ’s resurrection. Replacement theology, which prevailed for 1,400-1,500 years, suggests that after Christ’s resurrection, God’s attention shifted solely to the Church, effectively replacing Israel in God’s redemptive plan. This theology often carried a hostile edge, accusing Jews of Christ’s death and condemning them to perpetual exile.

Amillennialism, another view, suggests that Christ will never return, leaving no role for Israel. Postmillennialism holds that Christ returns after the Church reigns for a thousand years perfects the world. Dispensationalism, on the other hand, posits that after the Church is raptured, God’s attention will return to Israel during the seven-year tribulation, with Israel playing a crucial role in the completion of God’s plan. However, it often becomes obsessed with the dark side of prophecy, involving the death of two-thirds of Jews during the great Tribulation. This view has been tempered by some followers in recent years by the rise of Messianic Judaism, and thus is called “Progressive Dispensationalism.”

The alternative approach is Biblical Zionism, which views the covenants God made with Israel as still relevant. This approach emphasizes that God promised the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants as an everlasting possession, in a covenant that offers redemption to the whole world, not just Israel. The Jewish return to Israel today is seen as the fulfillment of these divine promises to Abraham, especially the Land Promise, and it is supported by both the Hebrew prophets and the New Testament. Israel’s return is expected to complete God’s redemptive plan, especially through the Davidic Covenant.

Biblical Zionism affirms that God, through divine covenant, bequeathed Israel’s land to Abraham’s descendants as an eternal possession. The covenant is characterized by God’s oath, promising that Israel would have a unique role in world redemption. Even today, the Jewish people’s return to the land signifies God’s faithfulness to these promises. This view also connects with the Christian understanding of salvation through the Jewish people, particularly in the person of Jesus.

The concept of Israel’s “blessing” comes from Genesis 12:3, where God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse them. The most important aspect is the final phrase: “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Paul in Galatians 3 explains that this promise reflects the gospel first being preached to Abraham, affirming that the salvation offered to all through Christ stems from Israel. The blessing of Abraham, a blood covering for sin, is obtained by faith, specifically through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

Christians are encouraged to support Israel because of the redemptive blessings they have received through the Jewish people. This includes not only spiritual blessings but also a material obligation to support Israel. Romans 15 highlights that Gentiles who have received spiritual benefits from Israel have a duty to minister to Israel in material ways.

Biblical Zionism recognizes Israel as both a people and a land chosen by God for world redemption. The Jewish people, through their history and return to the land, have been central to God’s plan of salvation. The ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises will be seen in the Messianic Age, when Christ’s reign brings peace and righteousness to all the earth. Christians must acknowledge that God has not discarded Israel but continues to work through both Israel and the Church to accomplish His redemptive purposes.

The question for Christians today is whether God has fulfilled all His promises to Israel. While some believe that God’s promises were fully realized in the first century, the view of Biblical Zionism holds that God’s purposes for Israel are ongoing. Christians must bless Israel, recognizing its enduring role in God’s plan for redemption. Criticizing Israel unfairly or holding double standards can be seen as antisemitic and goes against the biblical call to respect and stand with Israel.

To gain a deeper understanding of Christian Zionism, we invite you to watch the full Webinar below.

Main photo: Jewish men gather at the Western Wall for prayer during Sukkot. (Credit: Shutterstock)