An Online Bible School by Arise
January 6 – April 14, 2025

How come many Christians are standing up for Israel – especially in controversial times such as these?

Why should Christians at all care about this nation? 

And what does the modern State of Israel have to do with the Bible?

Israel and Christianity

These may be some of the questions you have concerning Israel – and if you do, Uncover Israel is exactly the course for you! In fact, whatever question you have concerning Israel, we believe this course will be of great help to you.

In this, mainly, online course, we will show you from the Bible why Israel ought to be an integral part of the life of both the church and the individual believer.

But since God did not cast away the Jewish people after the cross, we will also teach you about Jewish history, the rise of the modern State of Israel, Jewish society and the Arab-Israeli conflict – and what it all has to do with you.

During the course, you will be given ample time to ask questions – and especially the hard ones. We believe in an interactive learning experience. 

Man Studying Online


The online course runs from January 6 to April 14, 2025.
We meet online every other Monday from 19:00-20:00 CET.

Graduation Weekend**
In addition, we will have a final weekend on May 9-11 where we will meet in person in Kristiansand, Norway. This will be a weekend with food and fellowship, praise and worship, preaching and ministering, more studying, and finally a Sunday Service in a great local church.

It is possible to join the course and do the weekend online as well, but we strongly encourage all participants to join us. Digital is good – but nothing compares with meeting face-to-face.

** Accommodation is not provided for the Graduation Weekend and must be arranged on your own.

 Kristiansand, Norway.

Topics covered during the online course

  1. Israel’s Biblical Calling
  2. Christianity’s Jewish Origin
  3. Jewish History from the Cross to the Present
  4. Background to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
  5. Ownership of the Land from a Biblical, Historical, Juridical, and Moral Viewpoint
  6. Israel and the Prophecies

Topics covered during the graduation weekend

  1. Challenges for Israel Engagement
  2. The Accusations Against Israel (Occupation, Apartheid, War Crimes)
  3. Israeli Society Today
  4. The Church and Israel
  5. Islam and Israel
  6. Israel in the Media
  7. Israel – A Calling for Every Christian

Cost to Register

The course is free.
The cost for the optional in-person graduation weekend (food and accommodation) is 1500 NOK, 140 USD, 130 EUR, 950 DKK

When we have received your application, we will send you a confirmation and information on how to proceed.

There are no prerequisites for this course except understanding English

Language and Course Material
Lectures and study material will be in English.
You will receive a PowerPoint presentation or PDF for each topic.
The teachers will recommend literature for those who want to go deeper into the material.

Practical information
All participants will receive access to an online platform where the lectures will be given and course material posted.

Catch up
If you missed an online evening, or cannot attend the graduation weekend, all lectures are recorded and will be available for you in our online library. Of course, it is only possible to ask questions and participate in the discussion during the live event.

In order to receive a diploma, you must complete at least 75% of the lectures (6 of the 8 bi-weekly lectures and five of the six weekend lectures) by the end of August 2025.

Leader for Arise, ICEJ’s work directed towards young adults, Marius Wigardt, is responsible for the course and will also lead each session, including with a time of worship.

Marius Wigardt

Experienced teachers from our ICEJ offices in Denmark, Norway and Jerusalem will be teaching:

  • Christina Elisabeth Leinum
  • Roar Sørensen
  • Joshua Gooding

Tentative Program for the Graduation Weekend

Friday, May 9
Check in and dinner at 17:00
Evening gathering with worship and preaching

Saturday May 10
Teaching and interaction
Teaching and interaction
Evening gathering

Sunday May 11
Sunday service in a local church
Departure (exact departure time this day is dependent on your schedule)

The first 20 applicants to complete the course, will be eligible for a $300 USD discount on our next Arise tour scheduled in July 2025.

Arise Young Adults Tour delegates visit Israel in 2018.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at