Serve at the Feast of Tabernacles
The ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles is always a wonderful foretaste of that future time when all peoples will come up to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot. It is a prophetic statement that our Lord is indeed coming soon. It declares to Israel and the Nations that a new day is dawning. The King is coming, and we are here to rejoice in His transforming power and soon arrival.
Team Member
Serving as a Team Member is an amazing and life-changing event. It will test you in many ways spiritually, physically, and financially; it is a time of awakening. It continues to be our prayer that Team Members who serve with us in Jerusalem experience a time of spiritual refreshing and growth, and that they may leave Israel with a renewed vision and a fresh sense of purpose for their life and walk with the Lord.
We deeply appreciate your willingness to consider coming to sacrifice your time and resources to serve our Lord with us.
Please contact for more information.
“If any man serves Me, the Father will honor him” John 12:26