Children and Youth at Risk
Although Israeli society places a high priority on families and children, still approximately 25% of Israel’s youth are considered at risk. These at-risk youth have often encountered unstable or unsafe living situations, the death or illness of a parent, or other traumas. The ICEJ is bringing practical aid to these youth in a number of ways such as supporting children’s homes/youth villages, providing educational enrichment programs to influence youth in a positive direction, and counseling and trauma therapy. Your gift to the ICEJ Future and a Hope fund will impact Israel’s youth in the following ways;
- ICEJ aid for at-risk girls on the streets
- Children’s Homes
- Living Space Improvements and Equipment Upgrades
- Providing clothing and basic items
- Enrichment Programs
- Mentorship and Leadership training
- Social volunteering
- Tutoring to close educational gaps
- Practical skills learning
- Coexistence Activities
- Bringing children from different backgrounds including Jews, Arabs, Bedouins and Druze, together to meet in educational frameworks that encourage new friendships