Prayer Letter for March 2025

Dear Prayer Partners,

Let me first address you with a few personal words. The past 7 to 8 months have been a challenging season for me as I underwent back surgeries and treatments that left me with great pain and limitations. I know many of you prayed for me during this time and still do. I want to thank you so much on behalf of Vesna and myself and our whole family. We sense the prayers and appreciate your ongoing intercession. At the moment, I remain in a wheelchair but trust God for whom nothing is impossible, that He will raise me back up on my feet in His time.

The above passage is very dear to me. The entire Psalm 18 teaches us much about the warrior nature of David and his intimate relationship with God. It was the Lord who taught him how to fight his many battles, David says (Psalm 18:34). In all of these, God taught him an important lesson that applies also for us as intercessors engaged in spiritual warfare: NEVER STOP TOO EARLY!

David won many battles and understood if stopped too early, the enemy will rise again and return. Therefore, when the enemy fled he did not triumph and celebrate the victory but pursued them until they were completely destroyed.

This is also so true in a spiritual sense. As we pray for Israel in this critical war situation, we might be tempted to stop and rejoice too early. The situation at the moment is indeed quiet on both fronts in Israel – both north and south. But Hizbullah still exercises fear and control over many areas of Lebanon and is as determined as ever to destroy Israel. The same is true for Hamas in Gaza.

We are at a threshold in time when much could change in Gaza, Lebanon and even Syria. There are exciting reports I hear from friends in Lebanon. This current war crisis is drawing many to find Jesus as their Messiah, including many disillusioned Muslims. They ask for our ongoing prayers.

Our prayers are as important as Israel’s military deterrence. I ask you to keep pressing on, to keep asking, to keep knocking, until we see freedom for the entire region.

What David learned about being determined in battle also was taught by Jesus in the parable of the persistent widow, found in Luke 18. She received her request because she did not give up. However, Jesus also wondered how it will be in the last days. “…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

Let us make afresh today our commitment to keep pressing on until we see the full breakthrough in Israel and the region.

Yours in Christ,

Dr. Jürgen Bühler
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Photo Credit:

<a href=>Boots Stock photos by Vecteezy</a>

PS: Our next day of prayer and fasting for the Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign will be on Wednesday, 5 March 2025. Also, please join our daily Global Prayer Gathering at 4:30 PM (Israel time) to pray for the nation of Israel. So, please join us there at

And let us hear from you about your needs and how God has answered your prayers! Send a short email to to let us know you are praying and fasting with us.

The next day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Campaign will be
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025.
Please join us!