The ICEJ is represented internationally through its branch network in some 90 countries of the world. These local representatives have contacts with church leaders and movements in their nations.

Throughout the year the Embassy sends speakers around the world to explain important issues regarding Israel and the Middle East. Our foremost objective is to increase Christian awareness and support of Israel by stimulating leaders, churches and organizations to become effective influences in their countries on behalf of the Jewish people. Receptions are also held, bringing together local Jewish communities, Israeli representatives and Christian leaders in order to facilitate reconciliation and understanding.

The ICEJ works closely with Knesset Members (the Israeli Parliament) on various projects in Israel and abroad, through the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. These projects range from social assistance programs within Israel to establishing Judeo-Christian understanding, mutual support, and addressing foreign governments in defense of Israel. Embassy leadership frequently lobbies on behalf of Israel around the world by addressing governments, diplomats and community leaders. Our connection with Israeli embassies and missions abroad helps build secular public support for Israel and promotes Christian tourism and pilgrimage to Israel.

Through our network of national directors and representatives across the globe we are continuing to raise up support for the people of Israel through solidarity rallies, teaching events, conferences and advocacy campaigns.

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For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,
till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.
” Isaiah 62:1

Latest News from Our International Offices

24.03.2025 - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Word from Jerusalem

March/April 2025 edition The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has long-standing relationships with the leade…

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16.12.2024 - ICEJ South Africa

ICEJ War Relief Aid in Israel: One Year Overview

By: ICEJ Aid team

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24.03.2025 - ICEJ Nederland

Een dringende gebedsoproep voor Israël – 118

Gebed voor Israël ‘HEERE, mijn God, tot U neem ik de toevlucht, verlos mij van al mijn vervolgers en red mij. Anders …

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11.02.2025 - ICEJ Ireland

Annual Irish Conference

On the 8th February 2025, we held our second Annual Irish Conference at the Lucan Spa Hotel. We had approximately three hundred people in attendance and were truly blessed. David Parsons – ICEJ Vice President and Spokesman travelled from Jerusalem and Paul and Nuala O’Higgins from Reconciliation Outreach Ministries came from Florida to join us with truly inspirational messages about Israel and its…


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