Online Events
During 2020 the ICEJ adapted to the changes that the coronavirus made to the way we communicate. We wanted to bring more of the ICEJ directly to you wherever you are in the world. We welcome you to join our Webinars and Prayer events and keep up with all that is happening at the ICEJ.

ICEJ Webinar
We are bringing the ICEJ to you every Thursday! The ICEJ Webinars are informative and take an in-depth look at a multitude of Israel topics including Current Affairs, Bible teachings, ICEJ Aid work, and Aliyah. Make sure to tune by clicking the button below!

Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Gathering
Over recent months, thousands of intercessors from around the world have joined our weekly Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Gathering online. These times of praying together have been a real source of strength and encouragement to us at ICEJ during these difficult days, and many of you have been telling us the same. Since October 7th 2023, the ICEJ is praying daily for Israel. Join us each day as we bring together respected Christian pastors and ministry leaders from Israel and worldwide for a time of prayer and worship.

Rosh Chodesh Prayer
Join us for global prayer on “Rosh Chodesh”, when the new moon appears at the start of each month according to the Hebrew calendar. This festival of the new moon was given to the Jewish people at Mt Sinai. Special sacrifices were to be offered on Rosh Chodesh to mark the beginning of the new month (Numbers 28: 11-15). It also became a time when the Israelites would consult the Hebrew prophets (2 Kings 4:23). In addition, this joyous day featured the blast of a trumpet blown on the pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem to announce the arrival of the new month. In a similar manner, ICEJ will be ‘blowing the trumpet’ from Jerusalem to call for a special day of prayer and seeking the Lord at the start of each new month. Make sure to join us each month!