Word from Jerusalem July-Aug
By: Staff Writers

We are thrilled to share with you the newest edition of our Word from Jerusalem magazine. This issue is filled with perceptive Bible commentaries related to current events and interesting reports on our recent relief aid projects and global activities. These will surely capture your attention and inspire you to take greater action for Israel.

In light of Israel’s current conflict with Hamas, be sure to read ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler’s essay on the Concept of a ‘Just War’, which addresses how Christians should approach war in general and the conflict in Gaza.

ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman David Parsons provides rich insight in his Bible teaching, “‘By My Spirit!’: Restoring the prophetic voice to Israel.” Discover how whenever the Jewish people are being restored to Israel, they must hold a trowel for building in one hand and a sword for defending in the other. We should be praying for a divine prophetic flow to be restored to the nation of Israel and its leaders and for willing hearts to hear and obey that promised prophetic voice.

Meanwhile, the ICEJ continues to provide urgent relief aid to Israelis impacted by the war. We are providing medical and emergency equipment to first responders, donating more ambulances and bomb shelters, sponsoring trauma care, especially for children, and so much more. Our AID team regularly visits with leaders and residents of communities along the Gaza border to see how we can assist them along their lengthy road to recovery. We are so grateful for your generous support in helping us meet Israel’s needs. Read more in our Israel in Crisis section on how – together – we are touching the nation of Israel.

Jewish immigration to Israel is increasing due to rising antisemitism worldwide. The ICEJ is funding Aliyah flights and providing other immigration assistance for Jews from such countries as France, South Africa, Ethiopia, Russia, Ukraine, and others.

In our international pages, see how the ICEJ’s global network of national offices in some 90 countries are actively standing for Israel by participating in supportive rallies and hosting regional conferences.

We would like to thank you for your continued prayers for Israel and your faithful support of our efforts to comfort and bless the Jewish nation and people during these difficult days.

Blessings from Jerusalem to you and your family!