Walking the Trail with Jesus
Published on: 10.1.2025By author Teresa Craig
It was on a trail leading to Emmaus where two men were heavy in heart regarding the events that had just occurred in Jerusalem over the past few days. Grief and sadness were the threads between them. As they walked, trying to process these events, they were joined by a stranger, unaware it was Jesus.
The two men talked with the “stranger” about the crucifixion – a senseless death, or so it seemed, and about the talk of Him resurrecting from the dead since His body could not be found. How could one be resurrected from the dead? Where is His body now? They told the stranger that their friends were hoping that Jesus was indeed going to save the Jewish people from the slavery and oppression of Roman rule, but now those hopes were gone – so many questions.
The three of them walked and talked, enjoying the companionship on the journey. They walked along groves of ancient olive and carob trees. It may have been late morning or early afternoon, so the sun was warm, and gentle breezes blew across the tall grasses and flowering fields of spring. Sheep and goats were more than likely in various pastures along the way, with their shepherds watching over them – a peaceful journey away from the stressful environment of Jerusalem at the time.
As it was so often with Jesus, He loved to use the settings of nature to speak of heavenly things. After rebuking them regarding their lack of faith, He explained the scriptures from Moses through the Prophets regarding the Messiah: His virgin birth, His miraculous intervention in people’s lives to heal the sick and raise the dead, and to share the Kingdom to come. He explained the reason why the Messiah had to suffer and die and be resurrected on the third day. This was ultimately for the salvation of all who would believe in Him.
It was not until they had reached their home in Emmaus that they finally recognized Jesus while breaking bread, and then He vanished from their sight. They exclaimed, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road?” Overwhelmed with joy and newfound understanding, they hurried back to Jerusalem to share their experience with the disciples, where Jesus met them again and spoke, “Peace be with you.” Genuine rejoicing filled the room!
Along the trail, Jesus met those who were perplexed, downcast, and uncertain about life’s events.
Jesus is never in a hurry. He walks the journey with us. When we are quiet, and our hearts and minds are turned to Him, He reasons and instructs us. This is intimacy. This is when our hearts begin to burn within us.
Walking the Land of Israel impacts those searching for God in a way that no other land in the whole world can do. It is real. The facts of His life are revealed through archaeological discoveries, land formations mentioned thousands of years ago, the scrolls found around the time of modern Israel’s founding to confirm the long Jewish presence in the Land, and so much more.
These stories encourage you to linger a while and consider the Scriptures, the people, the history, and the culture of that time. This way, the experience of walking the trail with Jesus will become your own, and Jesus will come alive in your heart – increasing your faith to believe for anything in the future because He is the One walking the perplexing journey of life with you.
Walking the Trail with Jesus: A 40-Day Devotional, by Teresa Craig, is a book written for those who wish to personally encounter the Lord within the context of His time on earth. It features stories about the events surrounding His life, including His journey from Nazareth to Capernaum, the nearby villages, Jerusalem, and ultimately His crucifixion and resurrection. This devotional offers readers a message of beauty and hope.
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