Pray with us

“Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.” (Deuteronomy 32:39)

Dear friends and prayer partners!

We so appreciate everyone who responded to our urgent Call to Prayer one week ago concerning the threats by Iran and Hizbullah to launch a major attack against Israel in retaliation for the deaths of two senior terror militia leaders.

I am grateful to report that our prayers are working, as so far these threats have not materialised and the Israel public, while on heightened alert, has never panicked.

For various reasons, Iran and Hizbullah have delayed their planned retaliation. First, it seems the successful targeting of these top leaders in Iran’s vast terror network signals they have been infiltrated, and they are now spooked that their plans for military action could get leaked.

Iran also has engaged in a flurry of diplomatic activity to convince other countries that their revenge attacks would be justified, even against civilian targets. Those efforts culminated in yesterday’s emergency meeting of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation, and no doubt some Arab/Muslim countries pushed back regarding Iran’s willingness to put Lebanon at such great risk.

Further, by delaying their response for at least one week, the Iranian axis has allowed Israel to better prepare for all scenarios. It also has given the United States time to move more military assets into the region to bolster the common air defense system set up to repel any direct Iranian attacks – as was successfully done in April.

This delay has thus cost Iran and it may even further postpone their plans.

So, we thank God for answering our prayers, even while we urge everyone to continue interceding for Israel as well as for Israeli interests and Jewish communities around the globe.

For ten months now, we have sensed the restraining hand of God holding the enemy at bay along the northern border, and that has held up over the past week. Meanwhile, the nation of Israel has begun to regain its confidence vis-à-vis the Iranian axis and to set the pace and direction of battle.

Please continue to be vigilant in your prayers over the coming days. This stand-off is not over, and Hizbullah remains a dangerous foe on its own and could escalate matters at any minute. But be assured that things are trending Israel’s way, and we must keep praying so it stays that way.

  • Pray that Israel will be able to counter and foil every move by Iran and its proxies to try to harm the Jewish state and people.
  • Pray for the protection of all Israeli soldiers as they defend their nation, that the Lord will be a shield about Israel at all times! (Genesis 15:1; Psalm 3:3)
  • Pray that Israeli forces will be able to finish off Hamas as a fighting force in Gaza.
  • Pray for Hizbullah to be disarmed and to lose its grip on power in Lebanon; and
  • Pray that Iran’s radical clerical regime will fail in its quest for nuclear weapons and soon be replaced by a more peaceful government.

Thank you again for your earnest, effective prayers for the nation and people of Israel. Please join us in our daily Global Payer Gathering at 4PM (Israel time) at:

Blessings from Jerusalem

David Parsons

ICEJ Senior Vice President & Spokesman

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem