Lessons from God’s Love Relationship with Israel
Published on: 27.2.2025By Ingolf Ellßel
I want to start by talking about God’s relationship with us, focusing on what we can learn from Israel. As Christians, it is important to understand the journey of the first believers with God, and the key example is Abraham. He made a covenant with God, and from there a line of blessings began, leading to a thousand years of stories about the people of Israel and their relationship with God. Their history, full of both glory and shame, is recorded for all nations to read – light and shadow alike.
God’s love for Israel is clear. He says: “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.” (Deuteronomy 7:6) This is a love story – a beautiful declaration of God’s heart for Israel. It continues in passages like 1 Samuel 12:22, where God promises not to reject Israel, because He is pleased to call them His own.

Even in the midst of Israel’s failures, God’s love remains unwavering. In Isaiah 43:4, He says: “Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honoured, and I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life.” God’s love for Israel is constant, despite their rejection of Him at times. Jeremiah 31:3 speaks of this love thusly: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.” These words are powerful, especially in a time when many relationships break apart. God’s love for Israel endures.
However, Israel’s relationship with God was not always easy. When they turned to idolatry, it broke God’s heart. As Isaiah 65:2-3 expresses, God’s love was met with rejection: “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people… a people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face.” This gives us a glimpse into how God feels when we turn away from Him.
God’s heart is full of love for us but also pain when we go our own way. In the story of the Golden Calf, Israel’s rejection of God is a tragic example. Moses was on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, and in his absence the people made an idol. This act of rebellion cut deep, and it is like a betrayal in a relationship. I can relate it to a personal experience of falling in love, only to be rejected later – it is a deep pain.
When Moses returned, he saw the people’s sin and acted decisively. He commanded that those who were for the Lord come forward, and the consequences of the actions of the idolators were severe – 3,000 people died that day. It was a tragic result of Israel’s idolatry and rebellion.
Despite this, Moses interceded for the people, asking God for mercy. His love for Israel was evident, but as a sinner himself, Moses knew that only the shedding of blood could atone for their sins. This foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, whose blood would make atonement for us all.
Through this story, we learn about God’s deep love and His pain when we stray. It is a reminder that our relationship with God is serious and requires faithfulness. God’s love is strong and everlasting, but it also brings us face-to-face with the consequences of turning away from Him.
The New Testament confirms that blood is necessary for the forgiveness of sin, as Jesus taught in Matthew 26:28, where He said: “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” His sacrifice was the final, perfect offering, as He took on all sins and died for us.
Moses, in his second journey up the mountain, knew that God’s satisfaction could not be found in his own blood. Moses pleaded with God to continue with Israel, reminding Him of His promises. God, in His eternal love for Israel, must also address sin. His love and suffering coexist. Sin creates distance, even in human relationships, and God cannot ignore it.
In Exodus 33, God promises to send an Angel to guide Israel to the Promised Land, but He also says He will not be with them due to their sin. Moses, however, refuses to go forward without God’s presence, realising that mere blessings without fellowship with God are insufficient. God responded to Moses’ plea, showing His willingness to be present with His people.
But Israel’s sin, like that of idolatry, led them to distance themselves from God, leading to hardship. The people learned through their mistakes that sin brings separation from God, and they faced the consequences. In Exodus 32, Moses calls for a radical response: those who are for God must separate from the sin. This drastic action reflected the severity of breaking fellowship with God, and the people saw the cost of their idolatry.
Though God disciplined Israel, Moses continued to intercede for them. His plea was ultimately for God’s mercy, yet he understood that atonement could only be achieved through blood. As the people continued to face consequences for their sin, the process of atonement through blood became clearer. This is a foundation that the New Testament builds upon with the sacrifice of Jesus.
Through the struggles of Israel and their turning away from God, we see a pattern that continues today. Idols emerge in many forms, often disguised to fill the emptiness in people’s hearts. Even in times of great blessing and prosperity, there is a danger in forgetting God. Whether through idolatry or neglect, people, even nations, can lose sight of their Creator.
Today, Israel and others face a spiritual challenge: the danger of prosperity leading to forgetfulness of God. Yet, God calls His people to stay faithful, reminding all of us to never let blessings overshadow our first love for Him.
Let me remind you of a few things. Do you remember the day you became a believer in Jesus Christ? The grace He showed you when He found you, and how He called you into His kingdom to serve Him? He has blessed you with gifts, care, and even a vision for your ministry. Perhaps He has also blessed you with a family, a partner, or children.

But here is a question: How are you handling those blessings? Have you found yourself loving success more than Jesus? Do you focus more on your reputation than on your zeal for God’s kingdom? Are you still working hard, or have you delegated everything and left time for yourself?
Even King David, when successful, took his focus off God, and it led him down a dangerous path [with Bathsheba]. God desires to be with us – not just to fulfil promises, but for fellowship. When things in our life create distance from Him, it causes pain, just as it did for Moses and Israel.
Remember the times when God’s presence was real in your life? When you woke up feeling His Spirit with you, guiding you through the day? We need Jesus in the first place, not just as a tool for blessings, but as our eternal partner.
Today, I want to point out some idols that can creep into our lives. Power, pride, money, greed, and even things like health or beauty can become idols if we are not careful. These distractions shift our focus away from the purpose God has for us. We must remember, our life on earth is short, and our bodies will fade, so our focus should not be on idolising health or appearance.
In this world, idols take many forms: success, beauty, self-love, even sports or fame. But Jesus taught that if you love your life too much, you will lose it. We are often tempted to put ourselves at the center, but our calling is to make Jesus the center of our lives.
Our goal should be eternity, and for that, we give our best. Do not let any idol, big or small, distract you from the mission God has given you. Keep Jesus in the center, every day, in every season of life.
[This teaching is excerpted from the message at Envision 2025 by Rev. Ingolf Ellßel, chairman of the ICEJ’s International Board of Trustees.]
Photo credits: Menorah (Shutterstock), Envision (ICEJ)