ICEJ Website takes on a fresh new look!
Published on: 17.5.2022By: Laurina Driesse
When was the last time you visited the Christian Embassy’s website?
We are so excited to share with you our newly revamped website at www.icej.org. With just a few clicks, the website can be viewed on your desktop computer, your laptop or comfortably on your mobile device.
So, what are some of the new features that you can expect to see?
When you visit icej.org, you get to enjoy a clean, fresh look with larger fonts, making the text easier to read.
The website is multilingual, available in English, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages.
It features improved Donation pages, where the acknowledgement receipt is also enhanced and sent in near-real time. You also have an option to set up recurring donations either monthly and quarterly.
Our online forms make it easier for you to stay in touch with us by signing up to receive our Ministry Update emails and the monthly Isaiah 62 Prayer Letter with prayer points.
At the bottom of the home page, you can search for the contact information of an ICEJ International Office near you by simply clicking on a region of the map and then the country, or by using the search function.
Our simple menu structure makes it easier to find what you are looking for.
Our Home page welcomes you with the latest highlights taking place within the ICEJ. At a glance you can stay informed with what is happening in our “This week in Jerusalem” section, and as you scroll down, you can read the latest “featured” articles.

From our Home page, take a look in the “Discover ICEJ” section. Here you can come to understand Our Why, Our Biblical Mandate, Our Scriptural Calling, Our History and Prophetic Vision.
In this section, you also can meet the ICEJ leadership and staff, and if you are wondering how you can serve in Jerusalem, please check out our latest Open Positions! While you are in this section, remember also to read our latest magazine and browse through the wonderful Ministry Reports, as well as interesting commentaries.
Next, in the “Our Work” section, you will discover the heart of the ICEJ, as we go about fulfilling our Biblical Madate in the Land of Israel: ‘“Comfort, comfort My people!” says your God. Isaiah 40:1.’ See the areas that our Ministry focuses on: Aliyah and Integration, Israel in Crisis, A Future and a Hope, Holocaust Survivors, Fighting Antisemitism, Prayer Initiatives, Young Adults, and our Education activities.
If you would like to explore Israel and gain a deeper understanding of her biblical and modern history, simply click on “Understand Israel”. The modern-day restoration of Israel is of great prophetic significance, and in this section, we help you understand why.

Our “Events” section is where you will see the various events hosted by the ICEJ from Online webinars and Prayer Gatherings to our Envision Pastors and Leaders conference, our annual celebratory Feast of Tabernacles, as well as the Arise summer Youth Tour.
Remember too to visit our online “Store” menu tab, where you can expect a variety of Resources available for purchasing, with delivery straight from Jerusalem to your home!
Our new website is sure to give you a pleasant browsing experience. We look forward to having you visit us at: www.icej.org
We also would love to hear from you! Share your comments with us by sending an email to: media@icej.org.