A classroom at Little Hearts Preschool. (Photo: ICEJ)
By: Nativia Samuelsen

This week, an ICEJ team visited a special preschool in Jerusalem where we are providing scholarships for 25 children from diverse backgrounds, thanks to our Christian donors.

Little Hearts Preschool entrance. (Photo: ICEJ)
Little Hearts Preschool entrance. (Photo: ICEJ)

Located near adjacent neighborhoods of Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews, one might expect it to be a place of tension. However, as we walked through the streets of central Jerusalem and the Little Hearts daycare came into view, children of all backgrounds joyfully rushed in with their parents close behind. The school perfectly reflects its mission in such a sensitive locale: to create a safe environment where children from diverse religions and ethnicities can learn together and support one another.

This unique Christian educational center enables children from families of various backgrounds – Muslims, Christians, Jews, and no religion – to come together in a nurturing and receptive environment.

When we arrived, we met with Abigail Ro, the preschool’s director, who described how this year has seen a reduction in its numbers due to the war. Normally, they would expect 65 children but currently they are down to some 45 children enrolled. This drop in students is largely due to international families being called back home and local families feeling nervous about Jewish-Arab interaction amid the ongoing conflict in Israel. Yet amid this challenge, the preschool remains steadfast in its mission to provide a safe haven for all its diverse children.

A classroom at Little Hearts Preschool. (Photo: ICEJ)
A classroom at Little Hearts Preschool. (Photo: ICEJ)

“We believe in advocating for the good of the children,” Abigail passionately explained. “It is more important than simply filling up our classes. We are practically looking to give these children the best foundation they can have.”

As we toured the school, we saw there is no place quite like it in the country. The preschool’s approach is to foster safety and acceptance, using language and intuition to build connections.

Each classroom was filled with laughter and chatter, as we heard a symphony of languages – Arabic, Hebrew and English – blending together.

The school’s six classes follow the Montessori method, a child-centered educational approach which places emphasis on motor skills, spatial awareness, and mathematical development. Inside the classrooms, colorful learning materials abound, inviting children to explore and learn through hands-on activities that foster creativity and critical thinking.

Abigail’s commitment to their mission is deeply personal. She herself attended a Christian preschool when she was four years old, an experience that left a profound impact on her life.

“I am grateful for the foundation and environment of that school,” she reflected. “It shaped who I am today and instilled in me values that I carry with me always. We often do not see the impact of the work we do here, but I know that these children are like seeds being planted in good soil, destined to grow into strong, compassionate individuals.”

The vision of Little Hearts Preschool is more than just providing a good start to the children’s education. It is about laying the foundation for future harmony in society rather than the divisions we often see among different people groups in Israel and many other lands.

“We have to start with the children,” Abigail insisted. “Education is about more than academics. It’s about teaching children that ‘I know you,’ and not ‘I know these people.’”

The teachers at Little Hearts all have a sense of calling, to invest in each child’s future and set them on a positive trajectory for their entire life.

Little Heart Preschool playground. (Photo: ICEJ)
Little Heart Preschool playground. (Photo: ICEJ)

Walking through the preschool, we could not help but feel an atmosphere of warmth and belonging. The walls are decorated with artwork created by the children. In the playground, children of different backgrounds play together, their laughter filling the space. Amidst this lively scene, suddenly clapping and excitement surrounded us as one of the children’s parents entered a classroom with a birthday cake, bringing a bright smile on the children’s faces. The school truly feels like a home away from home for all who enter its doors.

The Christian Embassy is grateful to support Little Hearts Preschool with scholarships for over half the children attending the classes, investing in the future harmony of Israel’s diverse society. Please join us in bringing hope and a future to all Israelis.

Donate today at: give.icej.org/givinghope

Main photo: ICEJ