French Aliyah August 2024
By: Marelinke van der Riet

Despite the multifront conflict surrounding Israel at present, Jewish families are still immigrating to their ancient homeland, with some 70 French Jews arriving in Israel over the past week alone on Aliyah flights sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.

In the wake of the recent startling electoral shift in France, where leftist parties with a history of antisemitic rhetoric gained unexpected ground, the Jewish community in France finds itself increasingly unsettled. This climate of uncertainty has prompted many French Jews to make a pivotal decision – to make Aliyah to Israel. In response, the ICEJ has stepped forward to sponsor more Aliyah flights from France at this critical time.

A French Jewish family making Aliyah – 15 August, 2024
A French Jewish family making Aliyah – 21 August, 2024

Over recent days, the ICEJ sponsored life-changing flights for two groups of French Jews making their way to their ancestral homeland. The first flight, which arrived on August 15, brought 39 olim (new immigrants), comprising 12 households, many of which included large families with up to six children. Aside from one family from Strasbourg, the rest were from Paris, with new homes awaiting them in Jerusalem, Netanya, and various other cities across Israel.

One family member succinctly captured the collective sentiment, saying: “We are Zionists. We belong in the land of Israel. It is time to come home.”

The second flight arrived on Wednesday this week, and further demonstrated the urgency driving this movement. This latest group, a blend of 14 households, included both retirees and young adults, as well as families with small children. Their new destinations include Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, reflecting the diverse hopes and needs of these new olim.

One parent conveyed their heartfelt motivation for making this significant move, explaining: “We are doing this for our children.”

With these recent arrivals, the ICEJ has now assisted more than 187,000 Jewish people in their journey home to Israel.

Since last October 7 alone, more than 24,000 Jews from across the globe have taken the courageous step of making Aliyah. The surge in applications from France is particularly striking, as over 7,000 new Aliyah requests have been filed in 2024, a staggering increase from just 1,200 the previous year. Studies show that approximately 38% of French Jews – around 200,000 people – are now considering to make Aliyah.

These numbers are more than just statistics; they reflect the heartfelt decisions Jewish families are making in search of a safer future, and their hopes that Israel will provide stability and security amid global uncertainties. It is remarkable so many are willing to move to Israel even as the country faces intense conflict. Yet, even amidst a seven-front war, Israel remains a refuge for Jews facing rampant antisemitism worldwide, in some cases reminiscent of pre-Holocaust conditions.

From a broader perspective, we see God’s hand in this divinely orchestrated Ingathering of the Jewish people. And you can be part of this significant prophetic moment. Your support for the ICEJ ensures that this critical mission continues, enabling more families to embark on their journey to Israel and to find safety and a new beginning here.

The Aliyah efforts of the Christian Embassy are making a crucial difference for many Jewish families during their time of heightened concern and need for assistance. Your continued support is essential to helping more Jews from France and many other countries return home to Israel. Donate today:

Photo credits: JAFI