Kitchen repairs - moving back door
By Nativia Samuelsen

Around dawn last October 7, alarms blared across Sderot as the city was invaded by Hamas terrorists from nearby Gaza. As chaos engulfed the town, local policeman Eli*, and his fellow officers confronted dozens of militiamen, stopping their advance. Their quick response and courage saved hundreds of Israeli lives. Nevertheless, Eli was tragically killed, leaving behind a wife and children. In total, at least 70 security personnel and civilians died in the battle for Sderot.

With Eli’s death, his wife and children faced unimaginable grief. The family also was stuck in a home in need of major repairs. The roof leaked, the electrical system was unsafe, and the kitchen and bathroom were run down. Eli had been working on renovations before the attack, but now would never finish the work.

Today, however, the house is being fixed and upgraded in hopes of creating a warmer, brighter home for the remaining family to rebuild their lives. When the ICEJ learned of Eli’s bravery and sacrifice and of the grieving family’s dilapidated home, we responded by helping complete the repairs. While no renovation can mend the emotional scars or bring back a beloved father and husband, this aid gives some peace of mind to a traumatised family. Working with local Israeli handymen, we are finishing what the father started and thereby easing the family’s recovery.

“I feel so small in comparison to the huge loss of this family,” said Gabi Nachmani, one of the repair contractors. “This is the least I can do for them.”

The ICEJ has assisted many other Sderot families evacuated to safer places in Israel, including with voucher gift cards to shop for food and essential items at local supermarkets. This was met with much gratitude from the recipients, who expressed their appreciation through tears and embraces, overwhelmed by the support during their time of need.

ICEJ continues to be on the frontlines of the crisis, providing essential support where needed. Please join us in meeting the urgent needs of Israelis still reeling from the current war. Donate to our Israel in Crisis fund at:

* Name is changed to protect family’s privacy.

Discover more on how ICEJ is on the frontlines during Israel’s crisis