Garden Tomb Communion service
By ICEJ Staff Writers

Over the past two days (17-18 October), the ICEJ’s Feast of Tabernacles gathering ascended to Jerusalem to appear before the Lord in Zion, as the Bible instructs. The Opening Night in Jerusalem took place on Thursday evening at the Pavilion, in the center of town, with anointed worship and a powerful message from David Parsons, Senior Vice President & Spokesman for the Christian Embassy. Speaking into this year’s Feast theme, “By My Spirit, says the Lord!”, he noted how the visions of the prophet Zechariah are coming to pass before our eyes even in the current war Israel is facing. “Did you know the Mossad is in the Bible?” Parsons teased the audience, before explaining the prophetic struggle between the “horns” and the “craftsmen” of Zechariah chapter one.

The ICEJ’s global network of national branches also were commended that evening for their many pro-Israel rallies and efforts to fight antisemitism over the past year of the present conflict.

The next morning it was time for our first seminar sessions back at the Pavilion. Pilgrims enjoyed informative messages on the Feast theme from ICEJ leaders Dr. Mojmir Kallus (VP for International Affairs) and Barry Denison (outgoing VP for Operations). They also heard from Israeli attorney Calev Myers, who has mobilised global Christian support for the release of the Israeli hostages, as well as his guest Ido Shamriz, whose brother Alon was taken hostage and later killed in Gaza. Finally, Israeli law professor Dr. Avi Bell addressed the topic of ‘The PA’s Lawfare Campaign Against Israel’.

Later, as the sun began to set, a memorable Communion service took place in the serene Garden Tomb, located just outside the ancient walls of Jerusalem’s Old City. Feast pilgrims from around the world shared a deep sense of awe as they partook together from the Lord’s Table in the beautiful setting of this unique first-century Garden with an empty tomb.

Israeli pastor Peter Tsukahira delivered a moving message on the Resurrection, while Richard van der Beek, a local Messianic Jew, and Israeli Arab pastor Saleem Shalash officiated over Communion in light of the New Testament message of the “One New Man”.

Jo from South Africa felt truly blessed by the genuine and heartfelt worship during this special Communion service. She said, “This was the best Garden Tomb service ever. The message was both brilliant and challenging, and the sharing of Communion by the ‘one new man’ was emotional and sincere.”

Mary from Kenya shared her experience of having her flight cancelled twice, followed by a six-hour wait for a connecting flight to Israel. Despite the challenges, her heart was overflowing with joy upon arrival. At the Feast, she longs for the Lord Himself and an encounter with Him. As for the Land of Israel, she considers it her home. “This is where the Father has His dwelling; this is His rest. He is my King, and I am His guest here in this city,” expressed Mary.

Meanwhile, Kristina from Germany shared that she attended the Feast last October and was in Israel when Hamas terrorists invaded the country on October 7. It was her first experience with the red alert sirens and rockets. Throughout the past year, she has felt a deep connection with the nation of Israel. “My heart is here,” expressed Kristina. This year, she has come with a message: “Israel, you are not alone.”

During Succot, Feast pilgrims have the amazing opportunity to bring their special offerings before the Lord, just as the ancient Israelites were commanded to do (Deuteronomy 16:16). This is an appointed time when we are to remember God’s provision over our lives.

Our online Feast registration is still open if you would like to be a part of this amazing prophetic gathering and hear all the powerful Feast messages, along with other Video on Demand seminars from recent ICEJ events. Register for the Online Feast today at: