Calling all Christians to join ICEJ in Praying for Israel!
Published on: 13.11.2023Over 20,000 have joined global prayer gathering.
Israel’s current battle against Hamas in Gaza, Hizbullah in Lebanon, and other Iranian-backed terror militias is the nation’s most daunting crisis in its modern history. Even as more grisly evidence emerges of the brutal Hamas onslaught against innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th, pressure is growing on Israel to halt its legitimate military response and thereby hand Hamas the victory. The people of Gaza themselves also need deliverance from Hamas. Meantime, Hizbullah has been coiled to strike with tens of thousands of deadly missiles from Lebanon at any minute.
In response to this dire threat to Israel, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is calling on Christians everywhere to join us in praying as never before for the peace and well-being of this restored nation. The Church has reached a time when it is not enough just to say, “We love Israel.” Real action is needed!
Prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon in the heavenlies. At the outset of this crisis, we decided to turn our weekly Global Prayer Gathering into a daily time of urgent prayer and intercession for Israel until the nation can declare victory in this war. Thousands of Christians from around the world have been joining us every day for these daily online prayer sessions, where we give updates and offer prayers alongside Christian leaders and intercessors from Israel and around the world.
Many participants in the daily GPG have found that it gives them great encouragement and hope for dealing with this crisis, as the news out of Israel and the region is often troubling. One lady from England recently wrote us:
“For the first two days after the attack, and before I’d discovered ICEJ, I felt in such shock, and that the Jewish and Messianic friends and family in Israel and London were alone, heartbroken and frightened. Now each day it is a privilege and profound Holy Encouragement in our LORD to listen, worship, prayer and be in your comforting presence. Thank you! I’m so blessed to discover ICEJ after all this time.”
In addition to the daily GPG prayer vigil online, the ICEJ leadership also has called for a Global Esther Fast to bring together those willing to fast and pray into this very difficult situation. We believe these recurring three-day periods of fasting and prayer are delivering “Esther strikes” to the dark enemies of Israel in the spiritual realm.
Find out more about how you can join our urgent prayer efforts at: https://www.icej.org/pray-with-us/
Prayer Points:
- Pray that the war will be successful in completely removing the threat of Hamas from not only Israel but the entire Middle East. Pray for resolve among Israel’s leaders to pursue this battle to the very end (Psalm 18:34ff).
- Pray for the protection of all Israeli soldiers who serve their nation! (Psalm 91).
- Pray for unity among the people of Israel, that this war will become the catalyst for a new-found brotherly spirit throughout the nation (Luke 11:17).
- Pray for protection for all those in the region who seek to live in peace with Israel. Pray that God would send a spirit of repentance and reconciliation with Israel throughout the Arab world.
- Pray that many ‘Rahabs’ might come forth to join Israel in restoring calm to the region.
- Pray for Arab Christians in Israel, the Palestinian territories, and the wider Middle East to have the courage and moral clarity to take a clear stand against the evil spirit driving Hamas. Pray that God’s Spirit will remove the veil of Replacement theology from their hearts.
- Pray that this conflict will become a catalyst for spiritual renewal in Israel and the region.