Christians hold Mass Rally for Israel in Brazil Stadium
By: Staff Writers

Over 40,000 Christians gathered in a stadium in Manaus, Brazil this week to pray for Israel and express their fervent support for the Jewish state and people. The massive rally was organized by Apostle Rene Terra Nova, national director of the Brazilian branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, and also was addressed by Rev. Barry Denison from the ICEJ’s leadership team in Jerusalem.

Denison gave the large gathering his first-hand account of the current war in Israel since the Hamas massacres of October 7, and also addressed the plight of the Israeli hostages, the potential for all-out war with Hizbullah, and the need for Christians around the world to stand with Israel as well as with their local Jewish communities in this difficult time of rampant antisemitism.

In the week of pro-Israel meetings from June 17-22, Denison also spoke to a gathering of over 1500 Brazilian pastors, and later joined the local Jewish community in celebrating 92 years in Manaus, along with Israeli Ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zohar-Zonshine.

Denison is the outgoing Vice President of Operations at the ICEJ’s head offices in Jerusalem and new Director of Finances and Operations for ICEJ-USA.