A Hidden Story Revealed
Published on: 1.12.2020By: Maxine Carlill
The thought of Leah, a 90-year-old Holocaust Survivor, being alone through the Jewish holidays suddenly prompted Corrie of ICEJ Homecare to call on her even though it was a non-working day. Corrie and her assistant entered Leah’s room, and within mere moments of hearing Corrie’s familiar voice, Leah passed away. Despite a heavy heart, Corrie was still thankful for the Lord’s leading that day which brought her to Leah’s bedside so she was not alone in her last moments in this life.
Twelve years before, this highly educated lady suffered a stroke which robbed her freedom and mobility soon after immigrating to Israel. She was forced to move in with family members who found it difficult to care for an elderly invalid, so Homecare’s weekly visits were a highlight. “My week goes from Wednesday to Wednesday because then you are coming,” Leah would often tell the ICEJ team.
Not long before Leah died, Corrie asked her, “What were the highlights of your life?” She responded, “I have no highlights. My life was difficult.” As a twelve-year-old, Leah and her family fled Rostov in Russia, where the occupying Nazis mass murdered between 15,000 and 18,000 Jews. The family knew only fear, hunger and exhaustion as they walked for days on end towards the unknown.
Corrie gently persevered if there was anything for which she was particularly thankful. As she held her hand, Leah began to share:
“After days of walking we reached a farm and were given a place of safety in the pig barn. That evening, through the kindness of the farmer, we received a bowl of soup. I never ate in my life such a good and tasty soup, and after that I made a pillow from hay to sleep on that night. That evening, as a girl of 12 years old, I promised myself to be thankful the rest of my life for this plate of soup and the pillow of hay.”
Corrie had no words but gave Leah a hug. She thanked God for the ability to walk alongside this precious Russian Jewish lady.
There are others like Leah who carry hidden stories in their hearts from past traumas, yet we are honoured to share these difficult and precious memories with them.
Partner with the ICEJ today, as we give God’s hope to elderly Jews in their last days! Visit: int.icej.org/homecare